Curated by Heitor Alvelos and Karen Gustafson, FUTUREPLACES has been addressing the dynamics between new media and the socio-cultural fabric since 2008. A multitude of workshops, projects, talks, creative events and think-tanks has woven itself onto a wide network of simultaneously local and international resonance.


18/oct/2009 –  PORTO (Portugal)

Speakers include:

Hugh Forrest – an insider´s view of SXSW []

Marc Behrens – musical composition with field recordings []

Zach Smith – Thingiverse – Open Source Everything []

Juan-Gil Lopez + Horacio González – Escoitar: Galicia soundscapes []

David Gunn – CincoCidades and other Cities []

Silvia Garcia – WikiMap Galiza Culture

Golan Levin – The medium of response [ ]

Luís Sarmento – DIY digital creativity [ ]

Steven Devleminck – New mappings of academic cooperation in Europe []

Phil Taylor – Creative uses of digital technology in curricular environments []