“This audio-work presents an overview of the different uses, developments and technologies that make use of SOUND in order to exert social control and power. The piece provides a conceptual approach to the topic by illustrating its applications through audio-quotes and other forms of documentation that analyze the impact and effects of these technologies, as well as it uses and abuses. By using a micro-tale or docudrama format, this work may contribute to the analysis of the effects of sound in human existence, enabling a critical analysis of this phenomenon.

A first version of ‘Sonic Weapons’ was produced and premiered on occasion of the Art’s Birthday Party 2009 (‘Safe & Sound’), organized by the Ars Acustica group. For all the details concerning the origin of the audio-quotes, please visit http://www.artesonoro.org/sonicweapons/. Except where otherwise noted, this audio-work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License”. Alg-a netlabel



TITLE: “Sonic Weapons”
DIRECTION: Escoitar.org
PRODUKTION: Juan-Gil López, Chiu Longina
COMISIONED BY: Radio Nacional de España (Radio2) und der Ars Acustica International (European Broadcasting Union EBU). This sound work represented Spain at the Art’s Birthday 2009 / Diese Klanginstallation representierte “ Spain at the Art’s Birthday” 2009 (Safe & Sound Edition).
TEXT: Escoitar.org, Sylvia von Bukow
DURATION: 00:20:00

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